Field Mice - Plein Air Painting Group

Hello plein air painters!

I hope everyone is enjoying the cooler temperatures. Our first combined paint out in Old Town La Quinta with the Desert Plein Air Association (DPAA) was a great success . Everyone had a great time laughing, bonding, and sharing about the creative process over lunch afterwards. Old Town La Quinta has some great compositions just waiting to be painted. I hope to see more of you at our future paint outs. You can check paint out schedules on both websites: and  

If you would like to be added to our paint out notification list, email me your email address at Also, send me any location suggestions that you may have for future paint outs as well as ideas for creative things to do at the paint outs. Perhaps we could do a beginners group for those who might feel their plein air skills need more time to develop.  
For those of you who are familiar with YouTube, I discovered an interesting program called “Landscape Painter of the Year“. It’s in the 6th or 7th season now  It”s a competition for painting en plein air in all sorts of mediums. There’s also a companion program called “Portrait Artist of the Year” for those of you who enjoy studio portrait painting. Check them out on YouTube.
Field Mice Chair
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