CVWS 2024 - 2025 Season Join/Renew

NOTE: Renewals are due by October 31, 2024 to ensure that your membership status remains current as well as for eligibility to participate in shows, activities, meetings, etc., and for inclusion in the membership directory.

Single Membership: $55 | Couples Membership: $75 | Student Membership: $25 | Nametag: $5

CVWS Membership and Member Access to the website

 runs from 7/1/24 through 6/30/25.

Step 1

Complete and submit the membership form below.

Step 2

Choose your membership type and pay (after you complete the membership form).

Membership Form

Summer Forwarding Address (if applicable)

Volunteer Opportunities

Coachella Valley Watercolor Society is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization. In order to maintain the level of excellence that our members enjoy, and in order for CVWS to be able to continue offering our benefits and services, all members are requested to share in the duties of the organization to the best of each member’s abilities. Please indicate the area or areas of service which most interest you.

IMPORTANT: All members submitting art for shows and sales will be expected to be available to assist at the shows or in some other capacity.

Membership Form

If you are an existing member and there have been no changes to your information, please complete the form below.

If you do have changes to your information, please fill out the new member form but mark yourself as an existing member.

Payment Options

Please complete your membership form and you will be automatically directed to the payment page.

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Individual Membership 24-25
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Student Membership 24-25
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