2025 Annual Show News

Yes folks it’s that time of the year when Mary Anne and I chase you (or hopefully inspire you) to paint for our annual show. As yet there is plenty of time but do start painting in advance, so you have some good work to submit.

Once again we are in the wonderful surroundings of the Galen Art Center. The building is already booked with intake planned for Tuesday March 4, the evening reception on Thursday the 6th, 5-7pm and pick up Sunday March 9. I know many of you have generously offered to help so do mark your calendars for that week. The show will be open to the public and for sales, Thursday the 6th to Sunday the 9th.  General hours are 10am to 4pm, although pick up will be at 3pm on the Sunday.

The judge has been booked and most importantly the bartender for the reception! Most of our conditions remain the same, although minimum sale prices have changed. Framed pictures must be priced at a minimum of $150 with the exception of the Mini Masterpieces at $95 and also the bin pieces at $95 or more. We also want to upgrade the image of the bin pieces. It easy to think of the bins as a place for work that you can’t sell or don’t want. Let’s try and go for a better quality – art that is every bit as good as your wall art but just unframed! The prices can reflect this. An all round win!

Any queries or offers of help to Ian Cooke or MaryAnne Brower



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